Craig Dobson
Founder and President, Taylor Warwick Constulting Ltd.
About Me
Craig Dobson is founder and president of Taylor Warwick Consulting Ltd. He has 40 years of professional experience in the information and communications technology (ICT) industry, specializing in research, strategic technology, and business development. He provides unbiased guidance, strategies, and solutions to help developers, communities, telecom providers, and governments plan, finance, build, and operate broadband copper, fiber, and wireless networks; develop the partnerships they require to deploy services and manage ongoing operations; and accrue the knowledge they need to support and capitalize on their broadband deployments.
Over the past six years, Taylor Warwick has worked with all 11 Alberta regional economic development associations and helped dozens of communities evaluate a comprehensive set of options to enhance broadband infrastructure and service sets within their regions and develop the strategic, tactical, and financial plans and partnerships to make it so. Over the past decade, 19 have moved forward toward implementation.
Craig has been nationally recognized through his work with Canada’s Centre of Excellence in Next Generation Networks and on various National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada committees. He is a professional engineer and holds master’s degrees in both science and business administration from Queen’s University in Kingston. Craig was a founding director of O-Net, Canada’s first community-owned full-service Gb/s triple-play provider and is a life member of the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers.