This year's main-stage FiRe program will take place at the UC San Diego Qualcomm Institute. Located on the UCSD campus, QI is a nonprofit research organization dedicated to bringing together interdisciplinary teams at UC San Diego and beyond, to leverage cutting-edge technology to address large-scale challenges facing the 21st century. QI conducts pioneering research in technology, culture, energy, the environment, and health. To learn more about QI, visit: qi.ucsd.edu/about/.
Located 9 minutes away from the Qualcomm Institute this years headquarters and accommodations will be at the beautiful HYATT Regency La Jolla at Aventine.
3777 La Jolla Village Drive,
San Diego,
California, 92122
Phone number:
+1 (858) 552-1234
For More Information about this year's accommodation visit:hyattregencylajolla.com