The Accelerated Future: How to Prosper in a Time of Super-Change

This year's main-stage FiRe program will take place at the UC San Diego Qualcomm Institute. Located on the UCSD campus, QI is a nonprofit research organization dedicated to bringing together interdisciplinary teams at UC San Diego and beyond, to leverage cutting-edge technology to address large-scale challenges facing the 21st century. QI conducts pioneering research in technology, culture, energy, the environment, and health. To learn more about QI, visit: qi.ucsd.edu/about/.

Bill McAleer
Managing Director,
Voyager Capital
Future in Review is an action-oriented annual conference that provides executives and investors with a roadmap for the next 5-10 years of technology and the global economy.
Started in 2003 by the team behind Strategic News Service, Future in Review is a gathering place for global leaders using technology to change the world for the better.
FiRe's intimate size and trust-based culture cultivate long-term relationships between speakers and attendees that drive innovation, strategy, partnerships, investments, and recruiting.
2025 Feature FiReFilm

We are excited to announce this year’s Featured FiReFilm: THE GRAB. Join director/producer Gabriela Cowperthwaite and reporter/producer Nate Halverson (and other filmmakers!) on Monday, June 9, for the plenary FiReFilms panel, afternoon Breakout, and 7pm special FiRe screening followed by a live Q&A!
About the Film: Quietly and seemingly out of sight, governments, private investors, and mercenaries are working to seize food and water resources at the expense of entire populations. These groups are establishing themselves as the new OPEC, where the future world powers will be those who control not oil, but food. And it's all beginning to bubble to the surface in real time. Global food prices have hit an all-time high, threatening chaos and violence. Meanwhile, Russia is using food as a weapon against the Ukrainians and as a geopolitical tool to wield global power. THE GRAB is a global thriller combining hard-hitting journalism from the Center for Investigative Reporting with the compelling, character-driven storytelling of director Gabriela Cowperthwaite (BLACKFISH), taking you around the globe, from Arizona to Zambia, to reveal one of the world’s biggest and least-known threats.
For this year’s conference, we will be enacting the same COVID-19 protocol as in 2023. We will have Corsi Rosenthal air-filter boxes in all gathering spaces, and free KN95-quality or higher masks will be available at all times.
We at Future in Review & SNS have covered the risks of COVID at length, and we take these risks very seriously. While we do not have a mask mandate for the event, we do have free KN95-quality or higher masks available at all times. Since testing and self-reporting are both unreliable indicators due to asymptomatic cases and lags in positive results, we focus on the quality of the air we all breathe.
At FiRe 2023, we checked the air quality for the ballroom at the Terranea each day using an Aranet device. The room had good air flow, with a daily CO2 reading averaging around 600.
Still, to best protect you all, our team built 24 large Corsi Rosenthal devices and placed them in meeting rooms, across the ballroom, and around the hall outside. By our calculations, this would allow for the most optimal room changes per hour attainable of clean, filtered air. To our knowledge, no attendees became infected with SARs-COV-2 by attending FiRe, something we are proud of and will continue to pursue as a top goal. While there is no way to achieve perfect safety, we believe that in doing all of this we are best-in-class for drastically lowering the risk profile of the event for all attendees.

Each year, Future in Review selects 6-8 emerging leaders to serve as FiReFellows for the duration of the conference. FiReFellows work hand-in-hand with the Future in Review team to help facilitate connections between attendees and ensure the conference goes off without a hitch.
Stay tuned to meet our 2025 FiRe Fellows!